Thursday, May 10, 2007

AK's note to Drishtipat, London and Bengali International

Dear members of Drishtipat, London, and members of Bengali International,

There are literally no words left to describe the camaderie and warm reception that we've had the good fortune of experiencing with you guys over this past weekend. You've welcomed us into your tight circle of near and dear ones, and even in this short span of less than 3 days, we've bonded. We've bonded over our common love for Bangla gaan, our common passion for the promulgation of the Bangla culture, and our
obstinate refusal to let our individual differences stand in the way of cooperation, tolerance, acceptance and team work.

We are more than just another expatriate organization collaborating with each other:

We share a common vision and a common spirit. We want to be able to transcend the barriers of what makes us different from one another, and we want to be able to learn to value the richness that this very difference brings to our experiences and perspectives. Like you, at Drishtipat and Bengali International, we at Amra Kojon want to demonstrate through example that we can realize large dreams through the collective endeavors and passionate contributions of many. We want to demonstrate that we are a team displaying unparalleled professionalism in our volunteering commitments - achieving results through effective communication, individual ownership and commitment, and by holding our teammates close to our hearts.

We can not thank you enough for inspiring us. Seeing our spirit, and our vision for unity reflected so clearly in your midst reinforces the strength of our convictions.

Together, we can really make a difference. Amra Kojon would like to invite those who share our dreams of unity despite differences to come visit us in Boston this summer. Lets talk, lets party, lets brainstorm. Let us try to extend the hospitality that you've so warmly extended to us!

We really hope that you will seriously consider a Boston trip soon, and help foster this exchange of energy and life!

Thank you. You've made a deep impact on all the Amra Kojon members.

warm regards,

Auditi Guha,
Chetan Kothari,
David Upegui,
Dewan kashem Tuhin,
Fariha Chowdhury,
Fawad Reza,
Joy Alamgir,
Kabir Ahmed(Germany AK Rep),
Lali Basher,
Mohitosh Talukder Taposh,
Nafiz Chowdhury,
Nandini Chowdhury,
Nita Mahalanobish,
Nuzhat Karim Himi,
Pusha karim,
Rahul Ray,
Rezina Chowdhury,
Shafaq Islam,
Sohini Alam (London AK Rep),
Swapna Ray,
Syed Bashar Jami,
Zahid Osmani Mamun

on behalf of Amra Kojon


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