Thursday, April 20, 2006

Amra Kojon, The Ideal Bangla Nation

Amra Kojon defies description. You have to be there, feel it and LOVE
music to know what AK is. But since I've been gently nudged *wink* by
Naina and Taposh da to write up something on AK, here it is.

If there were ever a true, ideal Bangla nation, it would be AK because
AK is what Bangla nation should be: self-less hospitality, crazy
passion for Bangla culture, infectious merryment and pride in being a
Bengali.......and all this without any of the religious/political
narrow-minded nonsense that afflicts most Bangalis! As far I am
concerned, AK is more home to me than Bangladesh. At AK, we worship
Bangla culture, we uphold Bangla ideals and we passionately sing
Bangla songs!
What more could a Bangali girl like me ask for? :)

Thank you SO much for bringing me into your family, AK!

- Faarzein Mahmud,
on behalf of Amra Kojon


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