Remove the ceiling above your dreams!
Responses came pouring in as soon as we made the announcement about our London show this summer. However challenging it seemed, we believed in our culture, our heritage, our music and the sense of unity among us to make all possible effort in taking Bangla music beyond its limit, to an endless boundary. The pre-concert organizational meeting in London was a tremendous success with sponsors pouring in. We were ecstatic to know that there are others who truly believe in our dream and hold a strong passion for music, and for our roots. With so many eager performers and generous sponsors, we had no time to waste now. We quickly started getting all our energy together that we have been harboring since our first show. We started looking for venues, for tickets, for possible concert dates. We started clearing our schedules for the summer so we can spend more time preparing for the big show! Our summer plans now revolved around how the rehearsal schedule will run. We simply couldn’t wait!
Then came the unfortunate news - losing a significant chunk of the funding from a major sponsor, due to an unforeseen circumstance. Now the only way our dream can come true, is if we can somehow bear our own ticket expenses. The minute I heard the news, I didn’t hesitate for a second to say, “Taps, I’m still in”. Yes we are faced with roadblocks, but no one said it would be easy. Isn’t life all about challenges? Isn’t life also about rising above those and not giving up? Then why should I let one obstacle get in the way of my dream? Yes MY dream, not just AK’s dream, it is OUR dream. What have I got to lose? Not much. What have I got to gain? A priceless experience! Some may think its easy for me to say. Under all other circumstances it would not be. But in the grand scheme of things, it was an easy decision indeed. That one ticket can now earn me a memorable experience that I will cherish forever, an unforgettable story that I can share all my life, a true bond of friendship that will be unbreakable, a chance to be part of history, part of an extraordinary adventure, and an opportunity that may never come knocking on my door again. Our biggest strength is our unity, and united together, anything is possible. As Taps always says, if you dare to dream, you might as well dream big, and you’ll at least reach half way. That’s exactly where we are! Very close, almost there! I certainly will not back out now, because just like many of us, I want to be able to say today, “we have removed the ceiling above our dreams, there are no more impossible dreams”.
- Pusha Karim,
on behalf of Amra Kojon