Friday, May 11, 2007

How much would you pay?

Airfare = $577.00

VISA fee = $138.00

Goofed up at the VISA interview and had to pay more for the visa = $400.00

Since VISA did not make on time so had to go the New York Gas = $ 50.00

Park at the wrong spot in new your and the parking ticket =$45.00

2 missing easles =$60.00

Making a trip with the most favorite people of your life,

Staying under the same roof and sleeping on the floor,

Spending sleepless nights so we can have more fun,

Doing the performance of your life,

1st ever international concert,

All lathered up but no water to take shower,

Finally, the standing Ovation……………


- Dewan Kashem, Tuhin
on behalf of Amra Kojon


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