Friday, March 31, 2006

And another weekend rolls around!

I got this email from Auditi, and wanted to share - it does a very good job of summarizing the spirit of the AK rehearsals. I can't wait for the workweek to end so we can start the rehearsal weekend in full swing!

"All my 10 tickets have been promised out. I have 5 more if any of you are still looking. We will be sold out by Monday and you can't enter without a ticket so please confirm asap.
While many of you I know are coming to the show, I strongly urge you to attend any of our Saturday rehearsals just to see the madness and get a flavor of what Amra Kojon is really all about behind the scenes.

"Last week was a blast, especially with the new music system and audio console, new singers and other AK folks - and I am sure this week will be too. For anyone who hasn't seen a rehearsal at Taposhda's house, you are in for a treat. There are lots of non-performers (like me!) and food and jokes to entertain you if you aren't watching the rehearsal proper.

"All in all, it's quite a scene there. Please coordinate with me if u need a ride because we have people coming and going from Bos and Provi Fri, Sat. and Sun. and Naina and I are usually there all three days. Friends/music-lovers and funky instruments are welcome.

"And I can guarantee that you won't have any kind of weekend plans that could possibly outrival this in amazing you - so please try!"


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